Freebitcoin is a free lottery that allows you to win every time 0.00000280 BTC to 0.25678906
You can also multiply your bitcoin in bitcoin miltiply game
It has 3 mode of payment instantly @ anytime,manually within 6hour and auto every Sunday into your wallet provided yo have 0.0001 btc
simple registration indicate your Bitcoin address to receive your payments.
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this page will no longer have any advertising in it. How are you going to support this site without advertising?

probably a bug from you, i see 5 ads per page. | Edit. : 16/07/2016 0:01:58
probably a bug from you, i see 5 ads per page. | Edit. : 16/07/2016 0:01:58
3 weeks
J'ai un problème d'avoir le claim
Everytime I tried it, the counting was already on and there was a warning saying that somebody else was using the same IP as me. I never could even use the faucet. Ask for a phone number to stop the IP "problem". Weird.
i like it so far it has paid me a couple of times to my bitcoin wallet and you can choose between instant payouts and weekly payouts (every sunday).

Bon, c'est bien joli tout ça mais as-tu déjà essayé de retirer des bitcoins et puis de les transformer en euros et enfin de les faire venir sur ton compte. Si oui, comment fais-tu, parce-que j'ai aussi des bitcoins sur freebitcoin, mais je patauge, comment fais-t-on?
Bon, c'est bien joli tout ça mais as-tu déjà essayé de retirer des bitcoins et puis de les transformer en euros et enfin de les faire venir sur ton compte. Si oui, comment fais-tu, parce-que j'ai aussi des bitcoins sur freebitcoin, mais je patauge, comment fais-t-on?
2 months
Amount received : 0.0002726 BTC
received:14.02.2016 (Payment every sunday)
Amount received : 0.00013016 BTC
received:31.01.2016 (Payment every sunday) turn to legit status.
Reason : Several payment proof or payment testimony posted.
Reason : Several payment proof or payment testimony posted. turn to promising status.
Reason : Some proof of payment
Reason : Some proof of payment